Startseite Netzwerktechnik Router-Modem-Switches I-Data ida FS 250, EU X22129 P N 922129-13O Parallele In und Out* nw494
I-Data ida FS 250, EU X22129 P/O 111774
P/N 922129-13O
Technische Daten
The ida FS 250 is a protocol converter which enables any printer to be connected to
an IBM computer system. See Section 1.3 in the manual, Supported Control Units, for information
on the IBM systems to which the ida FS 250 connects. The printer or device should have
either a Centronics Parallel connector or an RS 232 serial connector in order to be connected
to the ida FS 250 protocol converter.
NUR ida FS250 - ohne weiteres Zubehör (kein Netzteil) * gebraucht *
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