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Intel Pentium II 266 MMX SL2HE CPU 80522PX266512EC Slot 1 Rarität* c904
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Intel Pentium II 266 MMX SL2HE CPU 80522PX266512EC Slot 1 Rarität* c904

Intel Pentium II 266 MMX SL2HE CPU 80522PX266512EC Slot 1 Rarität* c904

P.No: c904
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Item condition: second hand

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13,95 €
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Products description

Intel Pentium II 266 MMX SL2HE CPU

80522PX266512EC Slot 1

General information
TypeCPU / Microprocessor
FamilyIntel Pentium II
Part number80522PX266512EC
Frequency (MHz) 266
Bus speed (MHz) 66
Package typeSECC 3.00
Socket typeSlot 1
Architecture / Microarchitecture / Other
Core steppingC1
Qualification sampleQ209
Previous steppingSL269
Processor coreKlamath
Manufacturing technology (micron)0.35
L2 cache size (KB) 512
Core voltage (V) 2.8 (2.73 - 2.9)
Case temperature (°C)5 - 75
TagRAM steppingB0
Processor substrate revisionD


CPU  SL2HE - ohne weiteres Zubehör * gebraucht *

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